Understanding Eczema, Atopic Dermatitis, And How To Treat It

All over the world, people over the age of five can be affected by an irritating skin condition known as atopic dermatitis. This form of dermatitis is typified by rashes that are extremely itchy and come and go over time. It’s a common condition faced by people worldwide and is most frequently found in those between the ages of 5 and 65, though older patients with this condition have been found. Atopic Dermatitis can present with conditions that range from skin that is itchy and excessively dry to rashes that are painful and can interfere with everyday activities. For some patients, the condition is severe enough to interfere with their ability to sleep.

Are You Experiencing Atopic Dermatitis, Or Is It Eczema?

This is a trick question, as atopic dermatitis is the name for the most frequently encountered type of eczema. Learning to identify the various types of eczema can help you know what treatments will work best for you and whether or not you need the help of a licensed dermatologist. Below we’ll cover the most common symptoms of atopic dermatitis:

  • Itchiness – This condition starts out as a patch of skin that feels inexplicably itchy. Scratching at this itch will cause it to turn from an itchy spot to an itchy and potentially painful rash.
  • Scaly Skin – Areas affected by AD tend to be scaly and dry, flaking when itched.
  • Weeping Bubbles – Sometimes AD will present with bubbles that appear on the skin that will weep and ooze fluid when scratched.
  • Sleeping Troubles – The itching is often bad enough to interfere with sleep.
  • Skin Infections – Skin damaged from itching due to atopic dermatitis is more susceptible to skin infections.
  • Elbow and Knee Rashes – The elbows and knee creases are common places for AD to form.
  • Thick Skin – Skin affected by atopic dermatitis appears bumpy and thick, even leathery.
  • Swelling and Discoloration – AD can also lead to skin becoming swollen and discolored, worsening with itching.
  • Eye rashes – Adults, in particular, tend to experience atopic dermatitis symptoms around the eyes.

These are just some of the most common symptoms of atopic dermatitis, but every patient’s experience can be a little different. If these symptoms describe what you experience, it’s important that you consider seeking professional help. There are a number of treatments available that can help you ease your symptoms and improve your quality of life while living with atopic dermatitis.

Treatment Options Available For Atopic Dermatitis

The first thing to know about this condition is that it isn’t currently curable, but treatments can help keep it under control. Treatment under the guidance of a dermatologist is aimed at reducing the number of flare-ups, reduce your risk of infection, and help prevent the condition from getting worse. This is accomplished through the use of topical treatments, light-based treatment, oral medication, or some combination of the above. Working with your dermatologist will help you understand the best way to manage your condition and reduce the severity of the symptoms you face with AD. Don’t let atopic dermatitis make you live in misery, seek help today.